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All Readings are based on 13 Sign Astrology, True Time Sky dates. Intuitive Energy Readings are dedicated to bringing you enlightenment through Intuitive Messages and wisdom while using Tarot, Oracle Cards, High Frequency Meditation Movements in the areas of Self-mastery, Balanced Feminine and Masculine Energies, True Love, Career and more…
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13 Star Sign Astrology is based on the ‘True Live Time Sky’ which means from an Astronomical Perspective. Western Astrology is based on a fixed map that was created by Ptolemy a few centuries ago. Ptolemy created this map for more agricultural and seasonal reasons, but the map he created does not reflect true astronomical data since he cut all the constellations down to 30 degrees (30 days long) and omitted the Constellation of Ophiuchus. Over time, Ptolemy's map has become more and more out of date since the sky is always moving.13 Star Sign Astrology includes the Constellation of Ophiuchus, that also sits on the Ecliptic (path of the Sun) giving this very important constellation his place back on the Astrological Wheel. 13 Star Sign Astrology also uses the correct sizes of the Constellations. The Boundaries are based on Walter Berg's calculations. Walter is the original founder of the 13 Zodiac, combining his professionalism in both Astronomy and Astrology.
-Kim Lovelace, 13 Sign Astrologer
For Full Reports, Readings, and more information on 13 Star Sign Astrology, please check out RaStar's WebSite: http://rastar13.org
13 Star Sign True Astrology THE TRUE TIME SKY: follow the Sun (Download Skyview App)
♓️Pisces: March 11 – April 18
♈️Aries: April 18 – May 13
♉️Taurus: May 13 – June 21
♊️Gemini: June 21 – July 20
♋️Cancer: July 20 – Aug. 10
♌️Leo: Aug. 10 – Sept. 16
♍️Virgo: Sept. 16 – Oct. 30
♎️Libra: Oct. 30 – Nov. 23
♏️Scorpio: Nov. 23 – Nov. 29
⛎Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17
♐️Sagittarius: Dec. 17 – Jan. 20
♑️Capricorn: Jan. 20 – Feb. 16
♒️Aquarius: Feb. 16 – March 11